Fighter Series: Gunner Felmlee
Who is Gunner Felmlee?
Gunner is a twelve-year-old Jiu Jitsu lover who was born with a unicuspid aortic valve, an extremely rare heart condition. His first heart surgery happened when he was only seven months old. He began training Jiu Jitsu at seven years old. During his first three sessions, he found it stressful, had moments of tears, and thought about quitting. Eventually Gunner fell in love with Jiu-Jitsu and since then, never looked back
What does Gunner love about BJJ?
He enjoys the technical aspect of BJJ the most. The concept that size doesn’t matter nearly as much as knowing the technique and mental game. Gunner enjoys the community that comes with grappling, and even while on vacation he’ll ask to stop at local gyms to train with new people and make new friends
What is Gunner currently fighting for?
On January 20th this year, Gunner had an open-heart procedure which was incredibly stressful and worrisome for Gunner and his family. Gunner is currently unable to train while recovering from this surgery, but is doing very well all things considered. It is hard to fathom the strength that this young man possesses mentally and physically. He was walking around the ICU floor the day after his surgery and is itching to get back to training Jiu Jitsu. Gunner is an inspiration to all
Gunner, we’re in your corner, and can’t wait to see you back on the mats.